When I look at other marketers online and see their tactics, it's obvious why they remain broke. They like to spam and only talk to prospects about buying something, instead of practicing value-based marketing.



What Is Value-Based Marketing?

Value-Based Marketing is basically the act of marketing to leads or prospects by giving them value (something they can use or see as helpful). Spamming is what a lot of marketers do, because they don't know any better than to go around trying to tell people to buy stuff all the time, in hopes that they will make money that way.

Unfortunately for these people, it doesn't work. Try seeing the world through the prospects eyes for a minute. Would like it if people came up to you trying to get you to buy stuff all the time and not giving you any value in return?

Think about TV commercials. Most people hate them because they take up half of the broadcast and are all about getting you to buy something. What if, instead you used cool pictures, quotes, videos, blog posts, etc. to help prospects with their needs and grow a trust between you.

Value-based marketing is all about trying to give people more than what you want them to pay for. I'll even go over a few strategies you can use right now to start getting better results in your business through value-based marketing…

5 Strategies That Work Wonders In Value-Based Marketing:

1. When emailing, make sure you use 80% value and 20% call to action/asking for the sale. Don't send prospects an email talking about why they should buy and try to convince them to buy. Convincing people to do something they weren't originally thinking about doing is tough and a losing battle.

Keep interest and a good relationship with the prospect by sending out quality value and even entertaining media once in a while. Then have a simple, clear call to action at the bottom with a link. You may even send out personal emails once in a while to each lead to give them a sense that you care.

2. Take advantage of social media. One of the best free internet marketing tactics today is using social media sites and building connections through them. Keep building new connections daily on the core 4 social media sites: Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, and Twitter.

Then, post something on all of them everyday that has value, interests people, or is entertaining. People will begin to love you and ask what you do or want to work with you. Don't put capture pages or anything like that on their or you might get banned from the social media website.

3. Use blogging to your advantage. People go online to find answers to their questions or solutions to their problems. If you did a post a day, with a little bit of SEO knowledge, all based on what people might want to know in your industry, then you will eventually have thousands of website visitors a day looking to you for answers through your content.

This is also a very cost efficient way of marketing your personal brand, as well as your business. Plus, the great thing about blog posts, is that they never stop or run out of a budget. They are on the internet forever and get you traffic and sales forever.

4. Video tutorials are the next big thing. Did you know that Youtube is now the world's second largest search engine? People are no longer just going to Youtube to be entertained, but are now wanting to see videos of how to do things.

How-to videos are extremely effective and can be great for building a following and helping people feel like they know you by seeing you and hearing your voice. Teach people how to do things in your industry in about a 5 minute video and have a call to action at the end with your business link in the description.

I would recommend using some kind of screen capture software for this purpose as it helps people get an over-the-shoulder experience of watching you show them what to do, step by step. That's why it is definitely one of the best forms of value-based marketing.

5. Give out a free ebook or training series for subscribers. People love this! When you offer them a free ebook with your advertising, or even a video training series, you will have great conversions. People will appreciate the free value you give out, and will wonder what the products you offer must have if you actually charge for it.

If people love your source of value, they will want to get more and will trust that you will come through for them. This results in happy customers, better conversions, and more sales for your business.

Conclusion of Value-Based Marketing

To sum it all up, there are many ways to use value-based marketing in your business and they really are cost effective. Most of the strategies above are completely free (a good blog is only $25). The main thing you must understand, when it comes to marketing, is that your business relies solely on people, not just products.

If there is no one to buy the products, you can have the best products in the world and still be broke. So, make your business about the people and give them what they want in a way that benefits you and creates trust for the prospect. This way you don't have to feel bad about spamming people and you will have a lasting, honest business with a large following.

If you liked this article and want to get into marketing or just want to improve yourself as an entrepreneur by learning from some of the best, go to the top right corner and subscribe or become part of my Facebook Group Here.

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