In case you missed it or didn't have time to listen to the whole thing, here are some notes I took from the key points of the 11/25/22 DRIP Network AMA with Forex Shark and what part of the video you can find them in:

My video and the original live stream are embedded below!

  • 7:25 People will use doxing against you to try and take down your project, but there should be a track record of a developer under a username that is verifiable.
  • 16:00 20% increase in Dog Pound BNB paid out coming soon with other Pig Pen improvements.
  • 18:00 Setting up a regular development cycle so people see consistent launches.
  • Projected periodic earnings coming for each investment.
  • 23:00 Dogs reduce your tax on trading the DOGS token in the future while also paying BNB or for farming PIGS.
  • 26:00 The tax applied to DOG transactions is what pays BNB & PIGS yield.
  • 28:00 Tax reduced by .75%/day linear pool, 1%/day for auto compounding pool.
  • 29:00 Tax starts high and doesn’t have predictable unlock events.
  • These prevent points of high sell pressure.
  • This also makes it where people sell at different times, never hurting the price much at once.
  • 33:00 Auto pool is more valuable to system than linear. 20% more for DOGS in the Auto Compounding Pool than in the Linear Pool.
  • With the Pig Pen, you earn from deposit fees, withdrawal fees, ⅓ of all capital from DOG tax, and capital of lending on Pancake Swap. It’s ownership in the platform.
  • 37:00 Pig Pen governance voting system breakdown: Vote to community in Telegram, then dev team, auditing, partner team, final vote to Pig Pen stakers.
  • Each Pig Pen is one vote and the system cannot be manipulated by someone with big money because the Pig Pen locks you in for a certain term of at least 50 days.
  • UI stuff is done, governance voting should be done being developed by 11/28? 
  • 44:00 Decentralized dynamic supply control algorithm is used for Pig Pen – ensures rate of emitting tokens is on par with demand and therefore doesn’t inflate supply.
  • It's never adding more tokens to circulating supply than are being locked up.
  • Rewards are being paid out less than what is burned.
  • 50:00 They will make it where you can lend out single assets to a series of bridges – update in next few months.
  • 53:00 No other platform in the world has compound interest in BUSD, we generate profit from real lending services and utility to pay profit.
  • 56:00 Once initial sale of DOGS is done from launch, it gets better and better because sell schedules will be all over the place and therefore, no big drops in price.
  • The better the tokens perform the higher the yield of rewards. It's based on current price, not what you bought it at.
  • 1:00:00 The only problem with DRIP is everything was paid out in yield and some more of it should have been in price appreciation which is basically free marketing.
  • Animal Farm allows native assets to appreciate while paying yield rather than paying it all in yield.
  • They haven’t even really started heavy marketing yet.
  • 1:06:00 Marketing firm/PR – They specialize in getting experts to speak on subjects with major publications like Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, CNBC, when they need to talk to an expert about something going on in that space. Forex Shark is the only one for crypto right now, which means maximum publicity.
  • 1:12:00 They're about to hire more developers (about 10 looking promising).
  • New DRIP UI is designed and now must be built.
  • 1:15:00 They want to deliver one major project every other month and have enough ideas through 2024, with more ideas on the way.
  • 1:20:00 Fiat Onramp – credit card, wire transfers to buy tokens, sell, prepaid debit cards all coming.
  • PIGS will be first in 2-3 weeks for Fita Onramp.
  • DRIP UI will come out with Fiat Onramp in 5-6 weeks at same time.
  • You will be able to download MetaMask on site and it will import BSC for you.
  • 1:26:00 Avoid trading bots (no one would share these publicly if they even existed), or DeFi projects that have a portion set aside for Forex investing or something like that. It’s illegal and violates security laws.
  • 1:44:00 If a partner wants vault in Animal Farm they would pair one of their tokens with one from AF and pay yield. This can lead to copromotion if they also have strong community.
  • 1:50:00 Dogs Roulette or Single asset lending option could be coming after UI, Fiat, etc. Lending could increase 20% BUSD dividends. DRIP UI is being built. Scratchy. Partnership Vault. Then, another game. Then full focus into lending model. 
  • Individualized lending coming next year. Right now, we have collateralized lending.
  • 1:56:00 DeFi & AF could help people access capital without taxable events, so big banks, etc. seem to be looking at getting involved.
  • JP Morgan said crypto losses had nothing to do with DeFi.
  • Make sure contracts are open source when looking at DeFi projects, do devs have access to capital, is it sustainable, is it non-custodial, does it provide utility. Can even be more safe than centralized because you can’t find out this info as much.
  • 2:13:00 DRIP AF integration: contract to take DRIP from Faucet and stake in AF without tax from Faucet withdrawal could be coming.

My breakdown:

Original AMA Live Stream:

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