When it comes to starting a YouTube channel, many people think that you have to have a big personality and be on camera for every second.
But, this is not true.
In fact, there are quite a few successful YouTube channels out there (like mine) that are run by introverts. I'll show you some of the easiest ones you can do without being on camera at all.
1. Subreddit channels
I haven't seen a lot of these channels yet, but the ones I have seen are doing pretty well.
These subreddit channels basically take the top posts on Reddit for a certain category and put them together in a compilation.
A lot of times YouTubers who do this will narrate the posts or comment on them.
One example of this is the Emkay channel.
Then, you have another Reddit-related channel called “Sir Reddit” that uses a computer voice for narration.
The videos usually consist of a post on r/AskReddit and the top responses.
It seems like a strange YouTube channel idea, but they get over a million views on many of the videos.
2. Gaming Clip channels
You don't have to be a live streamer like Ninja to make good money playing video games on YouTube.
Just look at a popular channel like Red Arcade.
Red Arcade basically creates video compilations of crazy wins, fails, and highlights from popular games like Fortnite and Rainbow Six Siege.
Some YouTubers with these kinds of channels get clips from Twitch, use their own clips, or have a submissions page like this one to get the content they need.
Or, you could just create a channel that has tutorials or your own highlights. Xbox One, PS4 and other gaming platforms usually have a way for you to record clips after you do something cool within about 5 minutes of it happening.
Edit those clips, do some keyword research and post them on YouTube to see if you can make some money.
3. Motivation channels
Motivational channels have been taking off in many forms the last few years.
For instance, you can look at a channel like Evan Carmichael, which posts videos about the top success tips from different famous people.
Some of those videos get millions of views and a lot of times, Evan Carmichael himself isn't even in the video.
There's also a channel like Motivation Madness. It puts together videos that use audio from famous psychologists, actors, business owners, etc. to motivate you.
Their videos are made up entirely of other people's audio, stock video clips, short clips of the celebrity, and subtitles. They're actually pretty simple videos.
The only problem with these kinds of videos is copyright.
In many cases, these channels are taking a chance by using interviews, speeches, and clips that they don't necessarily own the rights to.
Now, they are creating a new, original piece of work from these, but in many cases, its risky without asking permission to use the audio or clips in these.
Many channels seem to get away with this though. As long as you don't push your luck, you can probably create these kinds of videos yourself without much of a problem.
4. Product reviews/comparisons
If you want to make good money from YouTube without being on camera, doing product reviews might be the way to go.
I've seen channels take off doing product unboxing or toy reviews where they only part of the YouTuber you see is their hands. Just look at FunToys Collector Disney Toys Review for an example.
You could even do reviews of digital products and use a screen recorder so people can watch as you show the different features of a piece of software or something.
You can get a free screen recorder like Screencast-O-Matic, or you can use a premium one with more features like Camtasia.
And if you want to record your phone screen, you can do so for free on Android using AZ Screen Recorder.
5. Tutorial channels
Another way to become a YouTuber without being on camera is by doing tutorial videos.
If you don't mind showing your hands occasionally, you might do a cooking channel like Sam The Cooking Guy. Now, Sam is on camera sometimes, but most of the time, you can just watch him cooking without seeing his face.
Another example of a tutorial channel idea would be coding tutorials.
You could record your screen using one of the tools I mentioned above and show people how to code step-by-step throughout a bunch of videos.
For example, CS Dojo has some stuff where the main guy is on screen, but some of his work is just a screenshare tutorial.

14 replies to "5 Easy YouTube Channel Ideas Without Showing Your Face"
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Sure Roy, you can use the contact page on my website or reply to me if you’re subscribed to my email list
Hey Justin,
I was finding some ideas to make video on Youtube but without showing my face. I didn’t get any satisfied ideas from the other articles. After reading this blog I am sure that I will try out these ideas to make videos on youtube. Thank you for your help.
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SIR I am big fan
Hi k thx I was wondering my friend and I wanna do a YouTube channel BUT she doesn’t wanna show her face. It would be weird to have a baking channel with 4 arms in it (her arms and mine) so do u have ideas of a 2 person youtube channel without showing faces???
Hi , i want to ask something that text to speech software cannot be monetized or not ?
Ohhh… Amazing tips. This will work for streamers. Keep posting and have good topic idea.
Great tips!
Some great ideas on there. For some of us, getting in front of the camera is difficult to do. With these ideas it gives you an option to grow a YouTube channel without showing your face.
Thanks for the tips
I was wondering whether using clips for games, speeches, etc. on your youtube videos, made my different people, would lead to any copyright issues.
Hello sir, is there a way of tracking download links, i mean from sites you’ve downloaded in bulk. Any Software? Please I need help sir. It’s urgent Justin. Thanks
Sir, pls is there any way, you can track bulk downloads from youtube, i mean the links? Any software? If you have any ideas sir, I would be glad
This is very good information because people like me who do not like to come in front of the camera but they have to do something big in their life.
Thanks For Sharing This Ideas