Consistency is one of the single most important aspects of business or anything else in life that you want to get results for. People constantly struggle with it and it kills any chance of results. You will never succeed in anything if you don't learn how to be consistent.


how to be more consistent marketing


The definition of consistency for business purposes is to be focused and working hard towards a goal without much change over a long period of time.

In internet marketing, you cannot do a strategy for a week, then switch the next week and then switch again and expect to see results from any of them. It isn't necessarily the strategy you pick in marketing, because there has always been people that have made millions from each strategy, but they had to do it consistently to get there.

How To Be Consistent, Consistently

1. Try to focus on one main marketing strategy. One thing that really opened my eyes when I was starting out in marketing is when I heard a top marketer tell everyone that the best people master one strategy before trying to learn another one.

If you try to learn every business strategy at the same time you won't have enough time and patience throughout the day to keep up with it all. Focus on one to work on everyday until you master it and it will help you be consistent.

2. Have a DMO (daily method of operation). Figure out what your main income producing activities are that you must do everyday to make money and then have them on some kind of paper or schedule for yourself to look at everyday and check off as you do each task.

3. Make sure you are motivated. To keep your motivation high, you must know exactly what your goal is that you are working toward in your business and why you want to reach that goal so bad.

Next, write that goal down and why you want to reach it, write down the deadline you think you should give yourself to reach it and then put it up on your wall by your computer or somewhere close where you can see it everyday as you work.

4. Have a routine. Developing a routine of work hours, tasks and what you do before and after work, is a great way to be consistent. Your body and mind will automatically start this routine every work day as you get used to it, so develop a very productive routine that helps you get sales.

5. Have realistic expectations and be willing to work. This is a business, plain and simple. Some people think network marketing or internet marketing is some kind of scam or something because they think that when they try it, it's supposed to instantly create tons of money for them without the work.

When this doesn't happen, people get frustrated, quit and start spreading rumors about how marketing is a “scheme” or something. But, more millionaires are made in internet marketing than just about any other industry. It is a real and legitimate business that must be treated like one. Be realistic and be willing to work like any other business owner would have to.

6. Make sure you love what you do. Marketing covers the entire world of business because without it, there would be no way of getting in front of customers. This is great news not only because it will never die as an industry, but because it also allows you to be very creative and market whatever business or products you want.

Make sure you are marketing what you love and enjoy your daily work routine. If you love what you do, you will never feel like you're actually working and will always consistently stick with it.


Learning how to be consistent is by far one of the most important skills as a business owner in any niche. If you work towards a specific goal and consistently take the right actions everyday towards it, there is nothing that can stop you from succeeding.


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