In this video, you will learn about how to get people to trust your business in 2017.

Marketing is very important, but if people don't believe in your brand, all the traffic in the world won't help you.

Enjoy the video and let me know what you think in the comments below!

Here is what to do to earn people's trust with your business:



1. Showcase your accomplishments

Use your education, recognition, awards, past companies you've built, etc. to showcase that you or your company can is credible.

Helpful resources:

  • Quicksprout is a great example of a website where the owner displays his credibility to build trust.
  • Jeff Bullas does a good job of branding himself as an authority figure on his Twitter profile.



2. Make high-quality content

Content that is created through podcasts, social media, blogging, video channels, etc. is one of the best ways to get more business as well as show people your expertise.

Helpful resources:

  • You can go to to see how constantly publishing high-quality content can take your business to a very high level.
  • You don't have to rely on blogging for content. You may even use a podcast like Neil Patel's to build credibility.



3. Have all the legal pages and indicators

Having things like a business entity and a privacy policy can show people that you really do have a legitimate company.



4. Transparency

One of the quickest ways to lose credibility and potential customers is to make it seem like you have something to hide.

Helpful resources:

  • Pat Flynn is an example of someone who is very successful in part because he is transparent with his audience with the use of income reports.
  • Stefan James is good at building businesses as well and he creates transparency with his monthly goals reports.



5. Maintain a professional, mistake-free site

Make sure your website stacks up well compares to your competition and doesn't have a bunch of amateur errors.

Helpful resources:

  • If you want to start your own website that actually looks and performs professionally, this guide is for you.



6. Verify your online accounts if possible

That little check-mark you get next to your name on your social media profiles makes people instantly take you seriously because most celebrities and top businesses have them.

Helpful resources:

  • You'll notice that some entrepreneurs like Gary Vaynerchuk have their social profiles verified for credibility purposes.
  • Entrepreneur Magazine also has their Twitter profile verified as well as many others.
  • This guide will show you how to verify all the major social media profiles online.

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