A lot of people know TaskRabbit for being a place where you can sign up to offer handyman, cleaning, lawncare and other household services.

However, many people don't realize that they now have some work from home options too.

Here are a few remote services you can offer at TaskRabbit:

Computer Help

This could be done in-person or online, depending on the problem.

According to the website, you can average around $24/hour helping people diagnose and fix problems with their PC.

Data Entry

Data entry is a popular type of work from home job that people are interested in because it is usually laid back, easy to qualify for, and doesn't require you to talk on the phone all day.

At TaskRabbit, you can offer data entry services to people in your area and average around $24/hour.

Personal Assistant

At TaskRabbit, you can offer services as someone's personal assistant.

This is another gig that could be done in-person or at home, depending on the needs of the client.

If it's okay with the client, you could take care of a lot of their personal affairs like booking flights, schedule management, research, and more from home.

This type of gig averages around $32/hour on TaskRabbit.

Graphic Design

If you are an artistic person who is good with tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, and maybe even A.I. tools, you could do some graphic design work for people in your local area with TaskRabbit.

According to the site, Graphic Designers average around $33/hour.

Pet Sitting

Believe it or not, you can actually work from home doing pet sitting for dog and cat owners in your local area.

If the client is willing to bring the pet to your home while you take care of them, then it is technically a work from home gig.

Pet Sitters average around $23/hour here.

This can be a solid alternative for finding more gigs outside of dedicated pet sitting apps like Rover.

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