Everyone starts out with big dreams that they would love to have come true some day, like becoming a millionaire. When it comes to those who want that fancy car or that big mansion, they usually have no idea why some people get them and they don't.

The one real determining factor in personal wealth is you PVL (Personal Value Level).



What is a Personal Value Level?

Life has a way of ranking how much value you bring to the world. We call it money. The amount of money you make tends to directly reflect how much value you personally bring to the world. Some people call this your Personal Value Level.

What Is Your PVL Based On?

You can really break down your Personal Value Level into 3 determining factors:

1. Competition

2. Expertise

3. Leverage

Ask yourself these questions:

– How many others have my skills or are trying to do the same thing as I am?

– How many people have as much knowledge or credentials on my subject as me?

– How many people can I help worldwide with my business?

If you can learn to have the best of all three for a business, you have a great business on your hands.

Some Examples:

The Waiter

Lets go over two quick examples of how to break this down even more…

Let's say you have a waiter at a restaurant. The competition is massive because it's so easy to become a waiter. The expertise required to become a waiter is very minimal, so anyone could do it.

You can't really help that many people worldwide because you are limited by the restaurant location and number of people that order food. In conclusion, waiters don't make much money because of the minimal value they offer.

The Surgeon

Now lets look at this same breakdown in the case of a medical surgeon. There is not much competition because of the few people qualified to perform surgery. The expertise is very high because of years of schooling to become qualified to be a surgeon.

But, you don't have quite the leverage that you would want as far as helping people worldwide because a surgeon can only treat one person at a time at a certain hospital.

Therefore, a surgeon makes good money, but has to work long hours and doesn't make as much as most business owners or many entrepreneurs would.

The Marketing Entrepreneur

If you are wanting to be an internet entrepreneur in, lets say, marketing… Your competition would be low if you knew what you're doing. Your expertise would be high because you must always be educating yourself to stay ahead and get more customers.

Plus, your leverage would be best of pretty much any career because you can use the internet to help thousands of people across the globe, even while just working from home. If you are an expert marketing entrepreneur, your income is most likely massive. Just look at people like Neil Patel, Frank Kern, and Mike Dillard.

How To Increase Your Personal Value Level

The one thing you always must do to keep increasing your value and keep your skills in demand, is to keep educating yourself through books and courses. The most successful people in the world are the ones with the biggest libraries and most knowledge of their trade.


In order to become a millionaire or just be more successful overall, you must take the necessary steps to position yourself in an industry that gives you the best chance to succeed and educate yourself to become an expert. Increase your personal value level and you will increase your income.


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