Zig Ziglar once said, “Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street”. These words are of great importance to entrepreneurs around the world.

If all business owners and entrepreneurs could understand and apply this to their lives, more people would see success.

Because failures can happen at any stage of a new business start-up, entrepreneurs need to remember this lesson at all times to truly see the benefit of it.



Who Is Ziglar?

Although he passed on in 2012, Ziglar’s legacy lives on. He was an American author, motivational speaker, and businessman.

For years he worked as a salesman for the Automotive Performance Company, but by 2010 he had to retire because of problems with his memory.

Despite any problems he had, he continued his career as a motivational speaker until his death and even managed to publish a final book in 2012.

Having been through World War II in the US Navy, the early death of his father and sister, and many other hardships throughout his life, Ziglar had run into great failures of his own but eventually managed to overcome everything and gain a good life for himself, his wife, and his 4 children.


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What Ziglar Is Trying To Teach You…

“Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street.” What life lesson can you as a business owner and entrepreneur learn from this? There are many challenges that face you every step of the way when you want to open a business.

You might have trouble coming up with a viable idea for a business, you may be unable to find capital to start your venture, or your business may be having trouble catching on, but if you persevere and remember that for every opportunity that closes in front of you another opens up around you, you will find success and keep moving forward.

Just because you failed, it does not mean you will always fail. Failure simply leads us in another direction, it does not determine if we will ever succeed or not.

When you experience failure in your life and especially in your business, you have to get back on your feet and try again.

Do not look at where you are and say that you are failing, but say that you are taking a different route to success than you had originally planned.



Next time you encounter a situation where you would normally tell yourself you have failed, try instead to tell yourself that you have simply gone on a different route to success.

Just because you did not succeed at one time does not mean you have to end there, you have simply detoured from the road you planned to take.

Make a new plan from about how to get from where you are now to where you want to be. You are not stuck, you are not lost, and you are certainly not hitting a dead-end just because you may have failed.

What does the quote, “Failure is a detour, not a dead-end road” mean to you?


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    1 Response to "Failure Is A Detour, Not A Dead-End Street – Zig Ziglar"

    • landus

      Comment *Zig Ziglar was really a business or entrepreneur teacher,he had a piece of energizing information for the business starters or young entrepreneurs. In his phrase, “Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street”, It really inspires,it’s widely known that,pple have terminated their plans(business) just bse they lack such courageous words to strengthen our ability n potential.

      Am really inspired, I feel having missed a lot,I wish he lectured me in his life time,however still inspired by da information he left,I mean he’s more of a legend, his business words is the legacy I mean.

      Rest in eternal peace.

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