What if I told you you could have anything you want in life? Let me guess, you would probably laugh and say that's total B.S., wouldn't you? That's fine, I understand.

But, humor me. What if it were possible to achieve any goal you want in life? Of course, this doesn't include giving yourself superpowers, just so we're clear.

No, I'm talking more about financial, spiritual, relationship, fitness, and other goals that you probably have.

Using concepts taught to us by some of the greatest personal development coaches in the world, you can narrow down goal achievement into these 4 simple steps:


1. Make A Clear, Specific Goal With A Deadline

“A goal or decision without a deadline has no urgency. It has no real beginning or end.”

– Brian Tracy

A goal without a deadline is just a wish. Not only do you need to know exactly what you want to achieve, you need to give yourself a date to do it by.

Otherwise, it may take years before you even make any progress. On top of that, if your goal is very broad, you will have a hard time creating a plan to achieve the goal.

You will also have a hard time justifying spending time on achieving it.

How not to make goals:

“My goal is to make a lot of money.”

Unfortunately, this is how a lot of people make goals. This is also why their goals are never achieved.

There is no deadline to give you a sense of urgency. It is so broad that you won't be able to justify why you want to achieve the goal or visualize what it will be like.

There is no “why” either. Without a “why” for your goal, you won't even know why you want to achieve it. Therefore, you won't have much motivation to work on it.

The right way to make goals:

“My goal is to make $125,000 from my blog by December 1st, 2016 because it will allow me to quit my job, have more time freedom and give my family the life they deserve.”

Now, that is much better. Don't you think?

This goal has a specific number to shoot toward, a great “why” detailing its benefits, a specific deadline that is realistic, but close enough to give a sense of urgency and a specific medium that will be used (the blog).

That is how you are supposed to set goals. Once you have that, write it down somewhere where you can read it to yourself each day. Then, move to step 2.


2. Make A Daily Plan To Accomplish Each Goal

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

– Aristotle

Now that you have a clearly defined goal with a deadline, you have to develop a plan that can be executed daily for reaching it.

Don't think you can just goof off for a few weeks, hit a homerun and then rinse and repeat until you achieve it. That is definitely not how it works. It's all about establishing good habits.

How to take a goal and develop a daily plan for it

So, back to the example mentioned earlier… If the goal is to make $125,000 by December 1st, 2016 through blogging, how do you turn that into a daily plan?

First, divide up your goal number by the amount of days you have to work. So, if you start working on this goal June 1st, 2016, and work 6 days per week (Sundays off), that is 157 days before your deadline.

This means you need to increase revenue by $796.18 per work day, which is pretty steep for a new blogger. So, your daily goal is to make an extra $796.18 before you take the rest of the day off.

Now, you just have to figure out what actions will bring that result. Preferably you've had some experience experimenting with different ways to monetize your blog.

It also helps if you are constantly reading and educating yourself about methods used by others who have achieved huge profits through blogging already.

Example: Calculating your conversions

Okay, so, let's say you make money from your blog using two different methods:

  • Adsense ads
  • Course sales

Let's say your blog makes $5 for every 1,000 visitors through Adsense and you have $10, $75 and $500 courses. Let's assume your $10 course converts at 15% from blog email subscribers.

Let's say your $10 course buyers convert at 15% for your $75 course and those buyers convert at 15% for your $500 course. Also maybe your blog gets 10% conversion rates from visitors to email subscribers.

Here are your hypothetical conversions:

  • Adsense – $5 for every 1,000 visitors
  • $10 course – 15% of total subscribers
  • $75 course – .0225% of total subscribers
  • $500 – .0034% of total subscribers
  • Email subscribers – 10% of total visitors

This means you make about $492.50 per 1,000 visitors. This translates to you needing 1,616 blog visitors per day to reach your ultimate goal of $125,000 by December 1st in our hypothetical example.

This, of course, doesn't even include the extra traffic you get on Sundays, so in reality, it would be slightly less.

Now, you just need to figure out how to get that traffic each day. To do that, we need to look at how much traffic you get from each post, plus where you promote it.

Example: How to calculate daily actions needed

If you already get, say 5,000 visitors a month from your blog and you average about 2 additional views for every social share of a new post, you just have to break it down to see how viral your posts must be.

Now, you can publish one post a day, multiple or even just a post every few days. For this example, we will say you are willing to post one really good post per day.

With 5,000 visitors a month already, you get about 167 visits a day. After subtracting that, you need to get an extra 1,449 visitors a day to reach your goal.

If you are only starting with 5,000 visitors a month, you probably don't have much of a marketing budget yet. This means you need to get traffic from search engines and social media, for the most part.

Now, usually you get a boost in traffic on days that you publish and promote a post. For the sake of this example, we will pretend you were publishing posts every 3-4 days before setting your new goal.

On publishing days, you would usually publish the post in the morning and promote it on social media right after. So, instead of getting 167 on these days, you might average around 334 visitors.

You will be publishing once a day, as well as promoting, so you now just need to come up with an extra 1,282 visitors. This comes down to social media shares now.

You would need to go back and look at the average social media shares you get per post before they ever rank in search engines.

To do this you might use Post.it or Sumome share buttons for your blog because they give you actual statistics to work with. For this example, we will say the average shares are 30 per new post.

With a little math, you would then figure that you need an extra 230 shares per post.

Obviously this is assuming you aren't getting traffic from emails, direct searches, organic search, etc., so going by all of this might be slightly easier than this example leads on.

If you keep your average of 5.6 additional visitors per share, you just have to find a way to get 230 shares per post.

Example: Ways of getting shares

Let's say you use these 4 methods for gaining shares:

  • Sharing to followers
  • Viral Content Buzz – social sharing exchange using Stumbleupon, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook.
  • Empire Kred – social sharing and engagement exchange with unlimited options
  • JustRetweet – social sharing exchange for Google+, Twitter and Facebook

If you divided this up evenly for each source, you would need 57.5 shares for each one per day. To sum up this example as quickly as possible I will use average numbers you might see from each source:

  • Sharing to followers – about 1% of followers will share, maybe.
  • Viral Content Buzz – costs about 3 points per share
  • JustRetweet – costs maybe 20 credits per share
  • Empire Kred – costs about 20,000 eaves per share

Now, with these numbers, here's is what you need to get the 57.5 needed shares for each strategy:

  • Sharing to followers – share each post to at least 5,750 followers
  • Viral Content Buzz – 172.5 points in project for each post
  • JustRetweet – put 1,150 credits into a JustRetweet tweet for each post
  • Empire Kred – put 1.15 million eaves into a mission for each post

If you do all this for each post, you can definitely get the needed traffic to reach your goal, as long as you publish quality content that they don't mind sharing.

To recap step 2, you have to figure out your daily goals that help you reach your big goal. Whether it is relationships, making money, health, etc., anything can be broken down into daily actions.

For the example I'm using with a blog that makes money, you need the shares for each source I listed above to reach the daily traffic and conversions you need.



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3. Divide Daily Plan Into Steps

Now that you have a clear goal with a deadline, specific reasons for wanting to achieve that goal and have divided it into daily goals, you need to get even more specific.

How do you do that? You simply need to take each daily action and divide it into small steps. All we are doing is dividing goals into a series of simple, quick steps that are easy to follow.

It will serve as an instruction manual for helping you reach the specific goal in mind by the deadline.

Just like how you follow a recipe to bake a cake or how you use instructions to put together a new piece of Ikea furniture, you will use the instruction manual to reach you goal, whatever it may be.

Example: Dividing up daily tasks into small steps

Okay, we're back to the blog example we've been using. Right now, you daily goals are to publish a quality blog post and get 57.5 shares each from sharing to followers, Viral Content Buzz, JustRetweet, and Empire Kred.

But, that is easier said than done, so let's divide each of those tasks into simple steps to follow.

A. The quality blog post

What makes a quality blog post? Let's say you already did the research of popular articles on your site and others to conclude that you need these elements to make a quality post:

  • An attention-grabbing headline with keywords
  • Around 1,000+ words in the post
  • A quality featured image
  • Images and headlines to break up the text
  • Short, sweet paragraphs for easy reading
  • Specific details and statistics that make the most go in-depth
  • Links to related posts and sources of information used in the content

When you write your post, go down the checklist of things you must include before publishing it. It's much easier to focus on one little step at a time than to try and focus on a broader goal of just writing a quality post.

Look at news sites and competitors to find ideas for great headlines that you can add your keywords to. Check it off the list and go to the next item.

Continue this until you have checked all boxes for creating the post and then go to the next daily task.

B. Sharing post to 5,750+ followers

First of all, you need to build up your base of followers if you don't have the 5,750 already for this example.

This doesn't mean you should suspend all sharing until you get the magic number of followers, it means you just need to spend a little time growing your brand each day after sharing.

To divide this task up into steps, you can use some of these strategies to get more followers on social media:

  • Follow people who might be interested in your brand. The hope is around 20% will follow back.
  • Post more content that tends to get shared more like quotes, images, etc. Typically empowering, interesting or entertaining content with links does well.

Here are some articles with more in-depth tutorials on how to get more social followers:

If you have enough followers, you can focus on sharing to your main networks that give you the most engagement and include the most followers.

To figure this out, you can go to Google Analytics and look at your social traffic to see which social media platforms get you the most visitors. Those are the ones you should focus on sharing to and building followers.

If you have a lot of followers, your steps for this task might look like:

  • Share to Facebook Page
  • Share to Google+ profile or page
  • Share to Twitter
  • Share featured image to Pinterest
  • Share article link to Tumblr
  • Share to Linkedin

If you need followers still, it might look like the steps above, plus:

  • Follow 250 people on Twitter
  • Follow 250 people on Pinterest
  • Follow 100 people on Google+
  • Post 3 quotes throughout the day on Facebook Page
  • Send 50 connection requests on Linkedin
  • Follow 250 people on Tumblr

C. Viral Content Buzz

So you need 57.5 shares from Viral Content Buzz. Dividing this up is quite easy. We already figured it costs about 3 points per share on average and you need 172.5 points per project.

Here's how to break this up into small steps:

  • Share between 50 and 60 posts on there if you have a free account to get needed points. (Premium accounts give you points, so you wouldn't need to share as much)
  • Make sure you have 173 points for the project and then create a new project.
  • Fill out project details with link to post, post title, description, categories, preferred social shares, categories, etc.
  • Click “submit” and make sure project is active

D. JustRetweet

Just like the other options, you need 57.5 shares on JustRetweet. All you have to do to accomplish this is break it down into small steps:

  • Share highest paying tweets related to your industry until you get just over 1,150 credits.
  • Take the 1,150 credits and create a new tweet.
  • Go to your post and click the Twitter share button, copy the tweet text and paste it in the tweet blank on JustRetweet.
  • Then, fill out the rest of the blanks including minimum followers (700 or so?), maximum number of shares (58), category, what sites to share on (Facebook, G+ and Twitter), etc.
  • Then, publish the Tweet and make sure it is active.

E. Empire Kred

You need another 57.5 shares from here. To do this, you need about 1.15 million eaves to create a sharing mission for your post. Here's the steps to take:

  • Use any combination of investing, premium accounts or mission completions to accumulate just over 1.15 million eaves.
  • Create a new mission paying out around 20,000 or so eaves per completion.
  • Fill in the blanks with the post title, link, description telling them to share the post on social media, image of post, categories, etc.
  • Review and publish the mission. Make sure the mission is active.

There, this is an example of how to create a detailed plan of daily habits that will allow you to reach your goal by its deadline. All it takes is a little math, some research and planning to break everything down.

Now, there is only one thing left to do.


Related: How To Manage Time Effectively – 15 Tactics That Work


4. Execute

“The path to success is to take massive determined action.”

– Tony Robbins

It's time for you to take MASSIVE action. You have your clear goal with a deadline, your reasons for wanting to achieve it, daily objectives to focus on and a step by step plan for reaching them.

It has all come together and you plan is in place. Now what?

All you have to do now is take action on this plan and execute. In the example we used for this post, you needed to carry out your step by step plan for making $125,000 by December 1st 6 days per week.

So, this is exactly what you would do. Get up early, don't eat, don't sleep, don't leave the office or do anything else until you carried out your step by step plan for the day first.

Keep this mindset and stay focused on the goal you want to achieve by reading it aloud each morning and evening. This will keep you on track and help you execute like never before.

All you are doing is following the instructions. It's easy. It's simple. It will work if you stick to it. It's a numbers game that follows the law of averages. The plan just requires your action and consistency.

Image how it will feel December 1st once you've accomplished your goal.


Bonus Steps (Optional)

The 4 step plan I've laid out for you works in just about every area of life with just minimal tweaks. But, there are a few optional things you could do to help set yourself up for success.

If you need extra motivation to carry out the 4 step process, here are a few bonus tips:

  1. Read on your subject or on personal development each day for at least 30 minutes to keep learning new shortcuts, strategies and wisdom that can help you be more effective.
  2. Celebrate when you reach goals (have something awesome planned). Give yourself something to look forward to after reaching each daily goal and something really big planned for when you accomplish the big one. Reward your efforts and give yourself something to work towards or look forward to.
  3. Eliminate distractions that could interfere with execution. Put your phone in the other room, avoid TVs, tell family members to leave you alone until you're finished with work, etc. You need laser-like focus to stay productive.


Related: Look In The Mirror… That's Your Competition



You're ready. You have the blueprint for creating an instruction manual for accomplishing the goals you want the most. All it takes is a little planning and math, like I said.

Whether you want to improve business results, health, relationships, spirituality, productivity, learn new skills, etc., you can use this 4 step formula for doing it, as long as the goal is humanly possible, of course.

Sorry if you wanted to become a superhero or something. In all seriousness though, it works. This is based on personal experiences, others' and the teachings of top personal development coaches like Tony Robbins or Zig Ziglar.

I dare you to try it and see what incredible things you can accomplish.


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