Community Moderators are mainly responsible for making sure members of a Forum comply with the Terms and Conditions for the site, by monitoring the site and users’ activity, acting on labeled items and reporting any infractions.
In this position, you would be a backup for full-time moderators of the German Community when they are not available due to licenses, holidays, sickness etc., covering their shift from 7 to 16 CET or 12 to 21 CET. Depending on the demand of work and your performance, there’s also a possibility of getting your own permanent full shifts.
- Highly proficient, bilingual, or native speaker fluency in German.
- Good written and spoken communication skills in English language, since that will be the language that will be used for the instructions.
- Willing to work on holidays and weekends when required.
- Able to work in shifts.
- MacOS computer/Macbook required. (If based in Rosario, Argentina, Macbook isn't mandatory.)
- No previous experience in moderating content is required. This is an entry level position.
- Work Location: remote, work from home. No need to be onsite (provided you're a Macbook owner). Rosario citizens do not require Macbook.