Here's a non-phone work-from-home job paying around $270/day with no experience required.

It's the Customer Support Specialist position at Know Your Team.

Know Your Team is a software that helps managers become better leaders. Use our tool to hold effective one-on-one meetings, get honest feedback, share progress, and build team rapport.

Here are more details about the job:

What You'll Do:

  • You'll be responsible for managing and replying to all incoming customer support inquiries during KYT business hours, Monday through Friday, 8AM – 5PM PT across all our channels (Help Scout, Intercom, social media) in an empathetic, friendly way. Right now, it's the amazing Jenna Chaplin who is running Customer Support – but her exceptional talents fit better with Customer Success, and so you'll have to opportunity to replace her, which we'll be genuinely grateful for.
  • You'll take on technical support requests, triage tasks to our Engineering Team, dive-in to troubleshoot and do QA with the customer, and even directly debug issues in the console. You'll acquire deep product knowledge about KYT and problem-solve when customers run into technical issues or confusion about using a certain part of our product.
  • You'll identify the customers who need our help – the ones who are stuck or don't know how to get started – and proactively reach out to them to lend a hand. You'll share best practices, offer helpful tips, and give them encouragement on their path to becoming a better manager.
  • You'll be the eyes, ears, and heart of the customer – sharing insights and desires gleaned from customer interactions with the rest of the KYT so our product and offerings can be better for our managers.
  • You'll own, write, update, and improve all our customer support documentation, including our Help Docs and internal documentation around customer support.
  • Over time, as you grow more comfortable with the role and the product, you'll run demo tours for prospective and current customers, improve our onboarding flow to enable greater customer success, and strategize + execute cross-functional projects that help improve the overall KYT customer experience.


The full-time salary for this role is $70,000 USD, with health benefits, and unlimited vacation.


  • You're an impeccable, clear writer. Fluent in writing and speaking English is a must. You distill complex concepts into simple phrasing and get-to-the-point quickly and thoughtfully. You communicate warmth and friendliness in your words. It doesn’t matter what you’ve studied (or if you graduated from school at all): You've honed your craft of writing over the years, in your own way. You believe the best writing is not what you intend to say, but in fact, how it comes across to the other person.
  • You're a problem-solver at heart, who excels in tackling detailed + technical challenges. To you, there's no greater thrill than helping someone else make progress toward an outcome they care about. You consider yourself tech-savvy and innately inquisitive. You relish learning new technologies and new skills, and typically you're always tinkering with something. You even might know some basic HTML/CSS (or even basic Ruby) or have used console tools in the past to help run pre-written scripts – but totally fine if not, too! Either way, it's highly probable that you're “that one friend” all your friends go to when they can't get their computer to reboot properly or need a recommendation on “an app for X”. You are curious and persistent to find a solution and creative in how you approach a problem.
  • You're empathetic (perhaps to a fault, at times!). Your day is made when you can make another person smile – be the Amazon delivery guy at your doorstep or your kid's school teacher via Zoom. Even when the world feels like it's falling apart (oof, does it feel like that more than ever!), you maintain a cheery orientation and choose to see the good in people. In previous work environments, co-workers likely have marveled and how upbeat and calm you remain when others around you feel downtrodden and overwhelmed.
  • Most importantly, you believe in the vision of Know Your Team. You’ve personally felt the pain of having a bad manager (or two) before. Or you’ve personally struggled to find an effective learning path to become a better leader, yourself. Either way, you’re passionate about what Know Your Team stands for, and how we can help as many managers become better leaders.

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