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Getting Started The Right Way

It's Day 1 of the 3 C's Training Series and it is all about creating traffic, capturing leads, and converting sales. But before you can do that, you have to start by knowing your why. You must begin with the end in mind by knowing why you want to be successful with your business. This is the most important step and you cannot afford to skip it, if you want to be successful.

Sure, we like to have fast cars, big mansions and the latest toys, but that can't fuel your fire enough for you to make it to the top. What will all the money you make do for you (think of a higher purpose)?  Maybe you want to give your family a great lifestyle. Maybe you want to retire and have your parents taken care of. Maybe you want to build wells in Africa for people who aren't as fortunate as we are.

Whatever the reason may be for you to strive to make your business a successful one, you need to write it down and look at it every single day.

Write down what the ultimate outcome is that you want for your business. Be very specific and when you are done, put it by your computer somewhere, so that you will see it everyday when you go to work on your business.

Here's an example of what my outcome is for my business:

I hope you can read that. My handwriting isn't the prettiest in the world. 🙂

So go ahead and write out exactly what your ultimate outcome is and put tape it to your wall, put next to yor computer or whatever it takes to make sure you see it everyday when you are about to start working.


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Take Massive, Planned Action

The next step to creating a successful business, is to plan out each day's actions. If you are going to work on your business for 2 hours today, then brainstorm what focused actions need to be taken during those 2 hours to get you the best results. Remember, you want to create traffic, capture leads, and convert sales. If you are doing actions that don't help towards the 3 C's, then stop taking them, unless it is for your personal development (reading books, listening to audios, etc.).

Use the 80/20 rule for your actions. Use 80% of your time to take action and the other 20% for training and learning more. You cannot waste your whole day getting ready to get ready to do something. You cannot waste time doing nothing but training and not apply it right away. Training is only good if you apply it, otherwise you're just listening to how people have success in their business and you are not doing what it takes to have the same success, even when you know how.

The summary of Day 1 is to set the stage for a successful business and make sure you understand the most important step to getting started, which is beginning with the end in mind. Don't make a blog post or video without a goal for it. Don't send an email without a goal for it. Always take action, not just because you have to, but because you want a certain result.

Take this training and start your business off the right way or start improving your results right away by being organized and knowing exactly what your goals are. You will always have a purpose and motivation to do whatever it takes to get big results when this is applied. You can know all the technical strategies in the world, but without the right mindset, you WILL fail.

See you in the next training.

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Next is the nuts and bolts training on actual marketing strategies for your business.

Go To Day 2 ===>

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Learn How To Get More Out Of Life, Reach Your Goals, Have More Motivation, Bring Out Your Full Potential And Live The Life You've Always Dreamed Of. 

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